Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Doctor and Others

I admit it. I'm a Whovian from way back. Well, from way back on MY timeline. My Doctor is Tom Baker. I still think he's the best Doctor, but I've been watching the newer Doctor Whos and I've been enjoying the newer Doctors. My sons have been watching with me and some may question that decision as the villains have become scarier, but my boys don't seem to scare easily. They're a lot like me in that respect. I used to watch Vincent Price movies as a kid and LOVED them! What scared me were those darned Sleestax from "The Land of the Lost" in the 70s. Those things that were underground and made that kind of sucking noise? Ugh! Those, the nuclear "The Day After" movie in the 80s and the Daleks from Doctor Who are the only things that have ever given me nightmares. But my sons don't scare, even though I think Daleks are scarier now because they've mastered steps. But I put the TARDIS, the Doctor's ship, on my phone's lock screen and my son calls it the Doctor's box. I thought that was an interesting way of putting it. I told him if he could give me the proper name I'd let him play a game on my phone. Haven't gotten it yet. Yay!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Mom Face Planted at the Wonder Bar

Sounds like she really got drunk or something horrible happened. It was really neither, but it makes good copy. Or as I tease my 80 year old mother, she's finally figured out how to get all the cute young men to attend to her. What happened was that she was looking in the distance at their salad bar and didn't see the steps coming up. She missed them and fell to the floor, but her years of skiing had taught her how to fall with the least injury so she's bruised her knee and her dignity until she got back to the table where my youngest (the young man who would dance on the table naked if he thought it would get him french fries) says, "How embarrassing! " My Mom almost jumped for joy. She had finally found a way to embarrass the kid. I always figured I would have to dance naked on the school lawn. When we went to leave every strong young man working there assisted my mother down those steps and made sure she was safely to the door. I love Wyoming.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Swimming Pool Basement? Just kidding!

Last weekend we spent two days cleaning out the basement because my 8 year old thought he could turn it into a swimming pool. $3000 in cleaning costs. Now we have an unfinished basement and I've lost an unspecified amount of property.  Fortunately my office was dry as was the storage room, but we're trying to fit what was saved upstairs and it's super crowded so I've got to declutter like some hoarder. I love my 8 year old and he certainly does think out of the box, but I really hope we can get him to adulthood without too many more incidents like this. He hates listening to authority figures in his life whom he knows very well like me and his grandparents, but we have some friends and his teachers who he will listen to. My closest friends he will no longer listen to though.